October in pictures

Students getting ready to outreach! (That's Stacey in the black sweater with the smile on her face.)

Outreach is one of my responsibilities this year; and I've learned SO MUCH.  I've begun to rethink the term 'evangelism'. For many of us, that word connotes street preachers with megaphones trying to yell people into heaven. In the kingdom of God, evangelism really just looks like Stacey being willing to go out on campus and make a new friend even though she was scared. I've been so encouraged by our students' bravery and their willingness to say to God: "send me."

We went on a hike. Kennedy, Sam, and Ingrid found the tiniest frog in the world.

Devan and I at Denton North Church! We wore the same color shirt, so naturally we took a picture.

College ministry is all about building spiritual friendships. The resource that Jesus, arguably, spent the most on his disciples was time. He spent time with them. The past month, I've been trying to follow in his footsteps. I get time with my girls throughout the week anyways, but I find myself wanting to be around them even more. I'm not sure they realize how often they minister to me.  I look forward to meeting with them, to hearing about their weeks, to sharing my life with them. If I feel this way, how much more does our God love spending time with us? 

The apprentices at our last Old Testament class for the year!

As you know, a large chunk of my time is devoted to learning who God is through scripture. Having officially read through the entire Old Testament over the last couple of months, I can say without a doubt that God is good. Just he did with the Israelites, he has set his church apart to act as a blessing to the rest of the world. The young men and women sitting in this room have been and are being transformed by the knowledge of God. Think of who we'll all be in 40 years time. I am so excited to get to be who God's made me to be. I am so excited to get to learn who I am with these sweet people by my side. Thank you for playing a part in what God is doing in me and those around me this year! Your support makes all of this possible. I pray that God repays you in ways that I will never be able to. 

A million thank yous,


  1. Hey Kristen!! Yes, so much of Jesus' ministry was about being with his disciples for their day-in, day-out lives. I am so glad you get to spend this year investing that kind of time in the ladies at our Denton campuses. I'm also stoked that you get to share with them all that you've been learning from Old Testament class!! I seriously loved that class so much, and I hope that you never stop learning about our good, great God. Love you Kristen!!


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